k’ʷeq’ənəq for Kwantlen, Katzie, and Semiahmoo

It’s Our Time! k’ʷeq’ənəq  Site is Vital to Our Future and ReconciliACTION

Now is the time for ReconciliACTION

The Katzie, Kwantlen and Semiahmoo (KKS) Nations have identified a parcel of land within their traditional territory — called k’ʷeq’ənəq (Kwek-en-nek) and known as Campbell Heights North in Surrey — to be returned to the Nations to support their cultural and economic future. This land represents the last opportunity for our three Nations to exercise our Indigenous rights and ensure the prosperity of our people.

This land within k’ʷeq’ənəq is a hub for Katzie, Kwantlen and Semiahmoo. It is where we three Nations have always crossed paths, and there is a vast trade network extending across these lands. Unfortunately, because of colonization, many of the traditional food resources and natural medicines used to trade are not available anymore, or they’re very limited. The Nations’ economies, therefore, need to change — and they must be the ones to decide the future economic uses of their lands.

What we’re asking for

Together, we are asking the government to adhere to its own legislation and return k’ʷeq’ənəq to the Nations to:

  • Implement the Reconciliation calls-to-action to address historical injustices
  • Meaningfully and respectfully engage with the Nations towards long-term economic development
  • Support our collective goals of sustainable self-government

Returning k’ʷeq’ənəq to the Nations would demonstrate the government’s sincere commitment to reconciliation and implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

Economic reconciliation is an extremely important and integral piece to the future of our communities. Prior to colonization, we were the richest people in all the lands here, but our wealth was not monetary. Our wealth was access to land, access to resources and access to territories that we could hunt and gather on. That’s where our wealth came from. Nowadays, that wealth has changed because we don’t have that access to lands like we used to. The wealthy in this country have built intergenerational wealth off the resources and lands that are unceded, it’s time for our Nations to have the same ample opportunities to do the same. Returning k’ʷeq’ənəq to our Nations will provide intergenerational wealth to our communities for years to come. This is a chance for Canada to turn the talk of reconciliation into reconciliACTION.

Chief Harley Chappell of Semiahmoo First Nation

Both the governments of Canada and British Columbia have enacted legislation to adopt UNDRIP. Unfortunately, we just keep hearing, ‘We’re working out our UNDRIP plan,’ and we haven’t seen any real action taken yet. Government needs to be brave if it truly wants to enact reconciliation. Change takes bravery. We need somebody to be brave and support change so that we can truly see reconciliation in action.

About k’ʷeq’ənəq

k’ʷeq’ənəq is currently recognized as federal Crown land, in Surrey, B.C.  Several years ago, the federal government declared k’ʷeq’ənəq as surplus to their needs, which earmarks the land for disposition. This land is significant to Katzie, Kwantlen and Semiahmoo (the “Nations”) because it is the largest piece of Crown land remaining in the Nations’ shared territories, and thus, the largest piece of land that the Nations can feasibly regain control of for the benefit of their Nations and future generations. Traditionally, k’ʷeq’ənəq was used as a trade and travel route to enable commerce between the Nations – it provided a linkage between ocean and river resources and strengthened the Nations’ relationships. The Nations historic occupation and use of this land is supported by several archaeological sites existing within the immediate area.


Chief Marilyn Gabriel of Kwantlen First Nation

We are coming together as three Nations, as a family, working together to honour the countless past, present, and future generations of our Kwantlen, Katzie and Semiahmoo people. We owe that to them, and the government owes that to us. It’s time. It’s not the time to talk anymore, it’s time for us to see k’ʷeq’ənəq returned to us. I cannot express enough how important this land is to us.

If reconciliation is important to you, show your support to the Katizie, Kwantlen and Semiahmoo Nations


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Rick Bailey-crop

Councillor Rick Bailey of Katzie First Nation

We are working together to take back this land we call k’ʷeq’ənəq. As we do this work, each day we get stronger, and each day we realize that we can go further together. We have invited the government to jump on board and return this land to us so we can all go down this road together.

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